Sunday 1 April 2012

What Goes Online - April 1 2012

Henrique Fogli was kind enough to interview me for his Creative Insights blog on the subject of creativity and whaddyaknow - The Beatles came up! You can read it here.

I've never been convinced by some of the great 'Hard Day's Night mystery chord' conspiracy theories in the past, but this video has won me over.

Thanks to 22 Words

There's nothing more guaranteed to generate loads of comments than a post called Five Songs Where The Beatles...Well...Sucked and Something Else went there. For the record I'd call it 1 great, 2 good, 1 OK and 1 lousy song, but that doesn't have the same ring. Can you guess which is which?

On the back of the news that Abbey Road was the best selling album of vinyl album of 2011, Ultimate Classic Rock conducted a poll of Best Beatle Album. The poll seems to be a weird mashup of UK and US releases but here's the results

Abbey Road 26.69%
The Beatles (The White Album) 17.17%
Revolver 16.22%
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band 15.53%
Rubber Soul 13.88%
A Hard Day's Night 3.46%
Let It Be 3.03%
Magical Mystery Tour 2.42%
Meet The Beatles! 1.6%

What do you think?

Lastly, if you're into fab gear (there's a joke in there somewhere...) then you might like the site at The Canteen 


  1. - Cool item about the AHDN-intro chord, thank you!
    - Nice interview!
    - I won't read an article if it states that Blue Jay Way sucks.

  2. 1) you're welcome
    2) thanks
    3) don't blame you I...(spoiler alert) it
