Monday 29 August 2011

Book Review: Love Me Do (Braun) and The Beatles (Davies)

Here's my review of two very important early Beatles biographies, both with unique insights into Lennon and McCartney's songwriting process.

UPDATE - Rob Stevens (From Amersfoort) has left a comment below describing the 'missing pictures' from Love Me Do)

Get these books from Amazon UK

Love Me Do: The Beatles' Progress
The Beatles: The Authorised Biography

Get these books from Amazon US

Love Me Do: The Beatles' Progress
The Beatles: The Authorised Biography


  1. Thank you. I wanted to add Hunter Davies' book to my Ebay wish list but then I realized his name did ring a bell, so I looked at my book shelf and it appeared I already own this book, a Dutch translation from 1968. I will start reading it someday!

    There are not many photos in Love Me Do, and they are small, but actually they are quite nice:
    - head shots
    - classic Hamburg publicity shot
    - recording in the studio
    - at a tv gig
    - in Paris
    - live in Washington
    - at the airport
    - backstage
    and a lot of pictures of a lot of fans. For such a small book a nice varied bunch of pics, providing a contemporary representation of both the Beatles and their fans.

  2. @Rob - thanks for that - I'll add a reference in the post.

    I just noticed that the most recent version has a single new postscript (written in a bout '85).

    Anybody got that? Any good?
